Favro for
EnterpriseI was recently interviewed about this in Dzone. We talked about how even good old Microsoft is making major changes in the market for productivity.
My take on on this from a Favro perspective is that we are seeing major investments in the productivity segment. Today, a startup with an Excel challenger can generate major investments for the simple reason that big and stale companies need to be much more adaptable to change and urgently needs collaborative and more modern tools that caters to what the millennial generation expects in a digital workplace. It is not ok to blame “the it-system” anymore for not getting stuff done. At the same time, modern and forward leaning executives in enterprises, are addressing the challenge of inefficient communication and collaboration. Elon Musk brought this up in an e-mail to his staff att Tesla saying “There are two schools of thought about how information should flow. By far the most common way is chain of command, which means that you always flow communication through your manager. The problem with this approach is that, while it enhances the power of the manager, it fails to serve the company.”
Managers who are not enhancing an open way of communicating will not be working at Tesla anymore, was Musk’s blunt message.
Favro is a good example of this new generation of tools. It is not a competitor to Slack or Microsoft Teams but an app that gives a more visual and modern approach to planning and management. It turns your workday into flow rather than managing tasks. If you want to try better flow for your work and your organization, check out Favro yourself by signing up for a free trial.